Welcome to SCUMSUCK.com

Basile surrounded by a family of Liv, Ollie, and their horrid spawn

Howdy stranger. 🤠 This dank labyrinth of a site contains my art, characters, thoughts, and writing. I coded this website with my own goblin hands, so I'd have a more permanent place than social media to store my sloppy brain juices. Hope ya enjoy!

liv pulling the blockquote

MATURE CONTENT WARNING : Some of my art is silly and cute. Some of my art depicts imagery of a bizarre, violent, sexual, or gruesome nature.

By clicking any link on this site, you agree that you are an adult and consent to viewing mature art.

Accessibility Statement:
    This site:
    • Works responsivly for both desktop and mobile screen resolutions.
    • Uses semantic HTML and alt text as much as possible.
    • Contains minimal flashing animations or gifs.
    • Does not automatically play video or audio.
    • Was tested for screenreaders using NVDA.
    • Uses javascript for menus and image galleries.
    • Uses javascript for the site color switcher on the nav menu, which is indicated by small circular buttons with a lightbulb drawing. The color schemes currently include dark mode, black and white, low contrast, and bright colors.
liv pushing the blockquote
mobile friendly button by FeralAsar! Ink Shrines web listing button

My sites!

Visit my other sites:

fujofans button
FujoFans is a fan listing for fujoshi, fudanshi, and other fans of queer art.
goblinhole button
The Goblin Hole is my fansite for the Green Goblin.
dafoe zone button
The Dafoe Zone is my fansite for the actor, Willem Dafoe.
scumsuck store button
The Scum Bucket is my art store. I sell DIY zines and accessories I designed.
a photo of my red dachshund as a baby on the grass with the text 'I heart my weenie'
Here's my petpage where I talk about my pets.
just gorly thingz button
Just Gorly Thingz is my lesbian fujoshi webcomic.

Link to us:

scumsuck button with devil scumsuck button with kissing girls scumsuck button with goblin witch


liv holding up the website